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Properties Up For Sale in Fullerton

Properties Up For Sale in Fullerton
01 Apr 2016 by BIASC-Staff

The city of Fullerton is considering putting several properties up for sale.


The property the Meridian Sports Club sits on is among several city-owned parcels that could make more economic sense to sell, according to what officials said in the Orange County Register.


City staff said that the parcels could be attractive to developers and bring in tax revenue to the city if sold.


While no deals have been struck, a city-hired Realtor has been in discussions with the owner of the Target shopping center immediately north of the property, who has expressed interest in buying in the property, City Manager Joe Felz said.


The city has also looked at a downtown parking lot, land once proposed for a library and property near Sunny Hills High School and the parking lot behind the Fox Theatre along with an 18,000-square-foot parcel just north of the former movie house.


The city may also sell the 2.4-acre Bastanchury Library site, adjacent to Loma Vista Memorial Park.


Read the article on Orange County